
Dear Inin Teacher & all friends,
How are you? Long time no see!
When you receive this letter, I will have been in New Zealand for 3 weeks.
I am staying in NZ until the 6th September. I am sorry that I didn’t have time
to say goodbye, but my decision to go to NZ to study English made very quickly,
I finished my job, and came to NZ as soon as my visa came through.
It all happened very quickly and I didn’t tell you before, as I was not sure I would
actually be able to study in NZ at all. Everything happened in just one month.
I am studying at Auckland Language School. Everything is very nice in NZ but
I still have to study hard at my English. I write everything that is happening to
me in NZ on a website, so if you wish to read about it, please visit the website.
Miss you all very much.
Best regards,
當然 我的英文還沒有那麼好~~~
全是謝謝Heather的指導… 為了記念這感人的信
我還是把她給放了上來… 希望有朝一日我能自己寫那麼感人的信
Heather很好 還一直鼓勵我 因為我很怨嘆自己的英文
她說 她不覺得我原本寫的那裡不好 都還是看的懂
她用的英文是非常英國的英文…(這時候 就更高興我住在這個家了!)
即使是紐西蘭的英文 有時候還是非常有問題的… 她也不見得了解
所以為了我好 最好還是能用英國式的英文去寫比較好
希望妳們收到信時 不要太訝異(不要罵我><)
大家都勸她(好像也包括我啦!) 說遊學不如留學
如果要出去的話 最就是留學不要遊學
其實 我到現在還是很認同這個
出來的原因有很多 當然最主要的還是希望自己英文好
如果有機會的話 當然也是希望能有個學歷呀!
不過 還是希望一切等我英文好了 再來考慮吧!
P.S圖為Home Stay附近住家可愛的小花園,還有人工小蜻蜓哦!